Formation of ordered arrays of gold particles on silicon and silicon-dioxide by nanoindentation patterning




Ruffell, Simon
Venkatachalam, Dinesh
Shalav, Avi
Elliman, Robert

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Materials Research Society


Ordered arrays of gold particles have been fabricated on gold-coated Si(100) surfaces by pre-patterning the surface with a nanoindenter. During thermal annealing the Au is observed to accumulate within the residual indents. Once nucleated, the Au particles grow at the expense of smaller surface particles via an Ostwald-ripening process. The size of the Au particles is controlled by the initial thickness of the deposited Au layer, the size of the indentation (which is controlled with a high degree of precision), and the annealing conditions. Particles of ∼200 nm dimensions are formed in indents of ∼1 μm dimensions whilst nanoparticles of ∼20 nm are observed in the smallest indents made (∼50 nm). We have also demonstrated patterning of Au by indentation of a Au layer sandwiched between two SiO2 films deposited on Si by plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition. Here, cracking of the SiO2 layer occurs allowing Au to diffuse to the surface at the indented locations during post-indentation annealing.



Keywords: Annealing condition; Au particles; Degree of precision; Gold particles; Gold-coated; Initial thickness; Nanoindenters; Ordered array; Plasma-enhanced chemical vapour depositions; Pre-patterning; Residual indent; Ripening process; Si(100) surface; Silicon



Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings Volume 1228


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