Drawings of Bun Heang Ung

Permanent URI for this collectionhttps://hdl.handle.net/1885/9179

About the Drawings of Bung Heang Ung

These are digitised images from the collection of 90 original artworks by Bun Heang Ung in collaboration with Phiny Ung. 90 of the artworks make up a set of drawings that records visually their experiences under the Khmer Rouge from 1975 to 1979. Each piece is signed and captioned. Many have handwritten comments in script behind.Also in this collection, is a map of Maesar Prachan, drawn in 2012 from memory.

Also included is an ABC Canberra TV news item from 20/9/2012 documenting the presentation of the collection to the University.

Many of the artworks have been published elsewhere: Stuart-Fox, M. and Ung, B. (1985) The Murderous Revolution: Life & Death in Pol Pot's Kampuchea. Chippendale, N.S.W.: Alternative Publishing Cooperative Limited; and on www.khmerrouge-toons.blogspot.com.au (accessed August 2012).


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