Finding RR Lyrae Stars with SkyMapper: An Observational Test

dc.contributor.authorAkhter, Shaila
dc.contributor.authorDa Costa, Gary
dc.contributor.authorKeller, Stefan
dc.contributor.authorSchmidt, Brian
dc.contributor.authorBessell, Michael
dc.contributor.authorTisserand, Patrick
dc.description.abstractOne of the major science goals of the SkyMapper survey of the Southern Hemisphere sky is the determination of the shape and extent of the halo of the Galaxy. In this paper, we quantify the likely efficiency and completeness of the survey as regards the detection of RR Lyrae variable stars, which are excellent tracers of the halo stellar population. We have accomplished this via observations of the RR Lyrae-rich globular cluster NGC 3201. We find that for single-epoch uvgri observations followed by two further epochs of g, r imaging, as per the intended three-epoch survey strategy, we recover known RR Lyraes with a completeness exceeding 90%. We also investigate boundaries in the gravity-sensitive single-epoch two-colour diagram that yield high completeness and high efficiency (i.e., minimal contamination by non-RR Lyraes) and the general usefulness of this diagram in separating populations.
dc.description.sponsorshipSkyMapper operations are funded by the Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics of the Australian National University. Research conducted with SkyMapper is supported in part by grants from the Australian Research Council, most recently through ARC Laureate Fellowship FL0992131 and Discovery Projects grant DP120101237.
dc.format10 pages
dc.provenance Author can archive pre-print (ie pre-refereeing). Author's Pre-print on author's personal website, departmental website, social media websites, institutional repository, non-commercial subject-based repositories, such as PubMed Central, Europe PMC or arXiv (Sherpa/Romeo as of 24/9/2018).
dc.publisherCommonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization Publishing
dc.rights© Astronomical Society of Australia 2013; published by Cambridge University Press
dc.sourcePublications of the Astronomical Society of Australia
dc.titleFinding RR Lyrae Stars with SkyMapper: An Observational Test
dc.typeJournal article
dcterms.accessRightsOpen Access
local.contributor.affiliationAkhter, Shaila, College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, The Australian National University
local.contributor.affiliationDa Costa, Gary, College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, The Australian National University
local.contributor.affiliationKeller, Stefan, College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, The Australian National University
local.contributor.affiliationSchmidt, Brian, College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, The Australian National University
local.contributor.affiliationBessell, Michael, College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, The Australian National University
local.contributor.affiliationTisserand, Patrick, College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, The Australian National University
local.contributor.authoruidAkhter, Shaila, u4151597
local.contributor.authoruidDa Costa, Gary, u9501331
local.contributor.authoruidKeller, Stefan, u9702857
local.contributor.authoruidSchmidt, Brian, u9500253
local.contributor.authoruidBessell, Michael, u6900904
local.contributor.authoruidTisserand, Patrick, u4336119
local.description.notesImported from ARIES
local.identifier.absfor020104 - Galactic Astronomy
local.type.statusSubmitted Version


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