A framework for integrates hydrologic, sediment and nutrient export modelling for catchment-scale management

dc.contributor.authorNewham, Lachlan
dc.contributor.authorLetcher, Rebecca
dc.contributor.authorJakeman, Anthony
dc.contributor.authorKobayashi, Yukiyasu
dc.description.abstractMany catchments in Australia have experienced increased sediment and nutrient loadings and concomitant declines in water quality and increases in problematic blue-green algal blooms over the past several decades. This paper describes an integrated hydrologic, sediment and nutrient export modelling framework known as catchment-scale management of diffuse sources (CatchMODS). The modelling framework is designed to simulate and assess catchment-scale land and water management activities designed to reduce nutrient and sediment delivery to receiving waters. The Ben Chifley Dam Catchment in New South Wales, Australia is used as a case study for describing the development of the framework. Improving water quality through reduction of sediment and nutrient loads will reduce the probability of algal bloom occurrence in the dam. The innovation of the system is the integration of otherwise separate modelling approaches to enable biophysical and economic assessment of different management options. The outputs from the research are used to improve and focus on-ground remediation, targeted to specific stream reaches or subcatchment areas, as well as to encourage sustainable management practices more broadly in the catchment. With minimal modification, the methods developed are applicable elsewhere to address water quality decline.
dc.publisherPergamon-Elsevier Ltd
dc.sourceEnvironmental Modelling and Software
dc.subjectKeywords: Algae; Mathematical models; Sediments; Water quality; Economic assessments; Nutrient loads; Hydrology; basin management; hydrological modeling; integrated approach; nutrient enrichment; sedimentation; water quality; Australasia; Australia; New South Wales Catchment-scale; Hydrology; Integrated assessment; Integrated modelling; Nutrient management; Water quality modelling
dc.titleA framework for integrates hydrologic, sediment and nutrient export modelling for catchment-scale management
dc.typeJournal article
local.contributor.affiliationNewham, Lachlan, College of Medicine, Biology and Environment, ANU
local.contributor.affiliationLetcher, Rebecca, College of Medicine, Biology and Environment, ANU
local.contributor.affiliationJakeman, Anthony , College of Medicine, Biology and Environment, ANU
local.contributor.affiliationKobayashi, Yukiyasu, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
local.contributor.authoruidNewham, Lachlan, u9904386
local.contributor.authoruidLetcher, Rebecca, u9611625
local.contributor.authoruidJakeman, Anthony , u7600911
local.description.notesImported from ARIES
local.identifier.absfor050299 - Environmental Science and Management not elsewhere classified
local.type.statusPublished Version
