The WiggleZ dark energy survey: Probing the epoch of radiation domination using large-scale structure
Poole, Gregory B
Blake, Chris
Parkinson, David
Brough, Sarah
Colless, Matthew
Contreras, Carlos
Couch, Warrick
Croton, Darren
Croom, Scott M
Davis, Tamara
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Blackwell Publishing Ltd
We place the most robust constraint to date on the scale of the turnover in the cosmological matter power spectrum using data from the WiggleZ Dark Energy Survey. We find this feature to lie at a scale of k0 = 0.0160+0.0035-0.0041 (h Mpc-1) (68 per cent confidence) for an effective redshift of zeff = 0.62 and obtain from this the first ever turnover-derived distance and cosmology constraints: a measure of the cosmic distance-redshift relation in units of the horizon scale at the redshift of radiation-matter equality (rH) ofDV(zeff = 0.62)/rH = 18.3+6.3-3.3 and, assuming a prior on the number of extra relativistic degrees of freedom Neff =3, constraints on the cosmological matter density parameter ΩM h2 = 0.136+0.026-0.052 and on the redshift of matter-radiation equality zeq = 3274+631-1260.We stress that these results are obtained within the theoretical framework of Gaussian primordial fluctuations and linear large-scale bias. With this caveat, all results are in excellent agreement with the predictions of standard ΛCDM models. Our constraints on the logarithmic slope of the power spectrum on scales larger than the turnover are bounded in the lower limit with values only as low as -1 allowed, with the prediction of P(k) ∝ k from standard ΛCDM models easily accommodated by our results. Finally, we generate forecasts to estimate the achievable precision of future surveys at constraining k0, ω;M h2, zeq and Neff.We find that the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey should substantially improve upon the WiggleZ turnover constraint, reaching a precision on k0 of ±9 per cent (68 per cent confidence), translating to precisions on ωM h2 and zeq of±10 per cent (assuming a prior Neff =3) and onNeff of +78-56 per cent (assuming a priorωM h2 = 0.135). This represents sufficient precision to sharpen the constraints on Neff from WMAP, particularly in its upper limit. For Euclid, we find corresponding attainable precisions on (k0, ωM h2, Neff) of (3, 4, +17-21) per cent. This represents a precision approaching our forecasts for the Planck Surveyor.
Keywords: Cosmological parameters; Large; Scale structure of universe; Surveys
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
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