What prevents young adults from seeking help? Barriers toward help-seeking for eating disorder symptomatology
Ali, Kathina
Fassnacht, Daniel
Farrer, Louise
Rieger, Elizabeth
Feldhege, Johannes
Moessner, Markus
Griffiths, Kathleen
Bauer, Stephanie
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John Wiley & Sons Inc.
Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate help-seeking attitudes, intentions, and behaviors, and to systematically explore perceived barriers to help-seeking for eating, weight, or shape concerns among young adults. Differences in perceived barriers as a function of type of eating disorder symptomatology were also examined. Method: Data were collected using an online survey among individuals (aged 18-25 years) in Australia. Overall, 291 young adults with varying levels of eating disorder symptoms completed measures of disordered eating, weight or shape concerns, help-seeking barriers, attitudes, intentions, and behaviors. According to their self-reported symptoms, participants were classified into four subgroups (i.e., anorexia nervosa [AN] symptoms, bulimia nervosa [BN] symptoms, binge-eating disorder [BED] symptoms, and other eating disorder symptoms). Results: Despite the belief that help-seeking is useful, only a minority of participants with elevated symptoms, namely those with AN, BN, and BED symptoms, believed they needed help. Across the sample, the most frequently cited barriers to seeking help for eating disorder symptoms were: concern for others, self-sufficiency, fear of losing control, denial and failure to perceive the severity of the illness, and stigma and shame. Discussion: The findings highlight the need to educate young adults about the severity of eating disorders and the importance of seeking help, and to increase the awareness of help-seeking barriers among those designing public health interventions as well as clinicians. Our findings suggest that help-seeking barriers may differ depending on the type of eating disorder symptomology.
International Journal of Eating Disorders
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