Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Human Prion Protein: Importance of Correct Treatment of Electrostatic Interactions




Zuegg, J.
Gready, Jill

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American Chemical Society


Molecular dynamics simulations have been used to investigate the dynamical and structural behavior of a homology model of human prion protein HuPrP(90-230) generated from the NMR structure of the Syrian hamster prion protein ShPrP(90-231) and of ShPrP(90-231) itself. These PrPs have a large number of charged residues on the protein surface. At the simulation pH 7, HuPrP(90-230) has a net charge of - 1 eu from 15 positively and 14 negatively charged residues. Simulations for both PrPs, using the AMBER94 force field in a periodic box model with explicit water molecules, showed high sensitivity to the correct treatment of the electrostatic interactions. Highly unstable behavior of the structured region of the PrPs (127-230) was found using the truncation method, and stable trajectories could be achieved only by including all the long-range electrostatic interactions using the particle mesh Ewald (PME) method. The instability using the truncation method could not be reduced by adding sodium and chloride ions nor by replacing some of the sodium ions with calcium ions. The PME simulations showed, in accordance with NMR experiments with ShPrP and mouse PrP, a flexibly disordered N- terminal part, PrP(90-126), and a structured C-terminal part, PrP(127-230), which includes three α-helices and a short antiparallel β-strand. The simulations showed some tendency for the highly conserved hydrophobic segment PrP(112-131) to adopt an α-helical conformation and for helix C to split at residues 212-213, a known disease-associated mutation site (Q212P). Three highly occupied salt bridges could be identified (E146/D144 mutually implies R208, R164 mutually implies D178, and R156 mutually implies E196) which appear to be important for the stability of PrP by linking the stable main structured core (helices B and C) with the more flexible structured part (helix A and strands A and B). Two of these salt bridges involve disease- associated mutations (R208H and D178N). Decreased PrP stability shown by protein unfolding experiments on mutants of these residues and guanidinium chloride or temperature-induced unfolding studies indicating reduced stability at low pH are consistent with stabilization by salt bridges. The fact that electrostatic interactions, in general, and salt bridges, in particular, appear to play an important role in PrP stability has implications for PrP structure and stability at different pHs it may encounter physiologically during normal or abnormal recycling from the pH neutral membrane surface into endosomes or lysomes (acidic pHs) or in NMR experiments (5.2 for ShPrP and 4.5 for mouse PrP).



Keywords: Amino acids; Biochemistry; Computer simulation; Electrostatics; Molecular dynamics; Mutagenesis; Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy; pH effects; Human prion protein; Molecular dynamics simulations; Particle mesh Ewald method; Periodic box model; Prot





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