Dynamics of pre- and post-choice behaviour: rats approximate optimal strategy in a discrete-trial decision task




Fam, Justine
Westbrook, Fred
Arabzadeh, Ehsan

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The Royal Society


We simulate two types of environments to investigate how closely rats approximate optimal foraging. Rats initiated a trial where they chose between two spouts for sucrose, which was delivered at distinct probabilities. The discrete trial procedure used allowed us to observe the relationship between choice proportions, response latencies and obtained rewards. Our results show that rats approximate the optimal strategy across a range of environments that differ in the average probability of reward as well as the dynamics of the depletion-renewal cycle. We found that the constituent components of a single choice differentially reflect environmental contingencies. Post-choice behaviour, measured as the duration of time rats spent licking at the spouts on unrewarded trials, was the most sensitive index of environmental variables, adjusting most rapidly to changes in the environment. These findings have implications for the role of confidence in choice outcomes for guiding future choices.



choice, discrete-trial, matching, optimal foraging



Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences


Journal article

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