Towards developing multiscale-multiphysics models and their surrogates for digital twins of metal additive manufacturing
Gunasegaram, D.R.
Murphy, A.B.
Barnard, Amanda
DebRoy, T.
Matthews, M.J.
Ladani, L.
Gu, D.
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Artificial intelligence (AI) embedded within digital models of manufacturing processes can be used to improve
process productivity and product quality significantly. The application of such advanced capabilities particularly
to highly digitalized processes such as metal additive manufacturing (AM) is likely to make those processes
commercially more attractive. AI capabilities will reside within Digital Twins (DTs) which are living virtual
replicas of the physical processes. DTs will be empowered to operate autonomously in a diagnostic control capacity to supervise processes and can be interrogated by the practitioner to inform the optimal processing route
for any given product. The utility of the information gained from the DTs would depend on the quality of the
digital models and, more importantly, their faster-solving surrogates which dwell within DTs for consultation
during rapid decision-making. In this article, we point out the exceptional value of DTs in AM and focus on the
need to create high-fidelity multiscale-multiphysics models for AM processes to feed the AI capabilities. We
identify technical hurdles for their development, including those arising from the multiscale and multiphysics
characteristics of the models, the difficulties in linking models of the subprocesses across scales and physics, and
the scarcity of experimental data. We discuss the need for creating surrogate models using machine learning
approaches for real-time problem-solving. We further identify non-technical barriers, such as the need for
standardization and difficulties in collaborating across different types of institutions. We offer potential solutions
for all these challenges, after reflecting on and researching discussions held at an international symposium on the
subject in 2019. We argue that a collaborative approach can not only help accelerate their development
compared with disparate efforts, but also enhance the quality of the models by allowing modular development
and linkages that account for interactions between the various sub-processes in AM. A high-level roadmap is
suggested for starting such a collaboration.
Additive manufacturing, Artificial intelligence, Digital twins, Machine learning, Multiscale modeling, Multiphysics modeling, Industry 4.0
Additive Manufacturing
Journal article
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