Compensation of strong thermal lensing in high-optical-power cavities




Zhao, Chunnong
Degallaix, J
Ju, Li
Fan, Y
Blair, David Gerald
Slagmolen, Bram Johannes Jozef
Gray, Malcolm B
Mow-Lowry, C
McClelland, David
Hosken, David

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American Physical Society


In an experiment to simulate the conditions in high optical power advanced gravitational wave detectors, we show for the first time that the time evolution of strong thermal lenses follows the predicted infinite sum of exponentials (approximated by a double exponential), and that such lenses can be compensated using an intracavity compensation plate heated on its cylindrical surface. We show that high finesse 1400 can be achieved in cavities with internal compensation plates, and that mode matching can be maintained. The experiment achieves a wave front distortion similar to that expected for the input test mass substrate in the Advanced Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory, and shows that thermal compensation schemes are viable. It is also shown that the measurements allow a direct measurement of substrate optical absorption in the test mass and the compensation plate.



Keywords: Gravity waves; Heating; Interferometers; Optical devices; Optical properties; Compensation plate; Gravitational wave detectors; Optical-power cavities; Thermal lensing; Particle detectors


Physical Review Letters 96.23 (2006): 231101/1-4


Physical Review Letters


Journal article

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