India's gender bias in child population, female education and growing prosperity: 1951-2011




Jha, Raghbendra
Chaudhri, D.P.

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Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group


Using Census and National Sample Survey (NSS) data, this paper studies the evolution of Gender Bias (GB) in the age group 0-6 in India and its association with education and higher prosperity. GB is pervasive and has grown over time with higher prosperity and resultant demographic transition and enhanced education. Large household size (associated with high fertility rates and low Monthly Per Capita Expenditure (MPCE)) are linked with low GB. However, with higher prosperity and lower Total Fertility Rate (TFR) GB rises sharply. Hence, the outlook for GB in the age group 0-6 appears bleak at least until 2026. There are wide variations in GB across various states, even districts. Both improved education of females in the age group 15-49 and higher prosperity lead to worsening of GB. However, at high values of the interaction of these two variables there is a turnaround in the trend of worsening GB. Policy conclusions are discussed.



Keywords: census; child welfare; demographic transition; female education; gender issue; household survey; India census; gender balance; growing prosperity; India; National Sample Survey



International Review of Applied Economics


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