Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander absolute cardiovascular risk assessment and management: systematic review of evidence to inform national guidelines




Paige, Ellie
O'Donoughue Jenkins, Lily
Agostino, Jason
Pennings, Susan
Wade, Vicki
Lovett, Raymond
Daluwatta, Amanda
McLoughlin, Kirstie
Banks, Emily

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Sax Institute


Australia’s absolute cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk assessment algorithm1 first examines whether individuals meet criteria for clinically determined high CVD risk and, in those not meeting these criteria, applies the Framingham Risk Equation to estimate an individual’s risk of having a CVD event in the next 5 years. The same risk equation is used for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and non-Indigenous Australians, although there is variation in underlying risk across the two populations, with the former experiencing a greater burden of cardiovascular risk factors.





Public Health Research & Practice


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