CLEF eHealth Evaluation Lab 2021




Goeuriot, Lorraine
Suominen, Hanna
Kelly, Liadh
Alemany, Laura Alonso
Brew-Sam, Nicola
Cotik, Viviana
Filippo, Dario
Gonzalez Saez, Gabriela
Luque, Franco
Mulhem, Philippe

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Springer Nature Switzerland AG


Motivated by the ever increasing difficulties faced by laypeople in retrieving and digesting valid and relevant information to make health-centred decisions, the CLEF eHealth lab series has offered shared tasks to the community in the fields of Information Extraction (IE), management, and Information Retrieval (IR) since 2013. These tasks have attracted large participation and led to statistically significant improvements in processing quality. In 2021, CLEF eHealth is calling for participants to contribute to the following two tasks: Task 1 on IE focuses on IE from noisy text. Participants will identify and classify Named Entities in written ultrasonography reports, containing misspellings and inconsistencies, from a major public hospital in Argentina. Identified entities will then have to be classified, which can be very challenging as it requires to handle lexical variations. Task 2 is a novel extension of the most popular and established task on consumer health search (CHS), aiming at retrieving relevant, understandable, and credible information for patients and their next-of-kins. In this paper we describe recent advances in the fields of IE and IR, and the subsequent offerings of this years CLEF eHealth lab challenges.





Advances in Information Retrieval


Conference paper

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