Linking adaptation science to action to build food secure Pacific Island communities
Cvitanovic, Christopher
Crimp, Steven
Fleming, Aysha
Bell, J.
Howden, Mark
Hobday, A.J.
Taylor, M.
Cunningham, R.
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Elsevier B.V.
Climate change is a major threat to food security in Pacific Island countries, with declines in
food production and increasing variability in food supplies already evident across the region. Such impacts have already led to observed consequences for human health, safety
and economic prosperity. Enhancing the adaptive capacity of Pacific Island communities is
one way to reduce vulnerability and is underpinned by the extent to which people can
access, understand and use new knowledge to inform their decision-making processes.
However, effective engagement of Pacific Island communities in climate adaption remains
variable and is an ongoing and significant challenge. Here, we use a qualitative research
approach to identify the impediments to engaging Pacific Island communities in the adaptations needed to safeguard food security. The main barriers include cultural differences
between western science and cultural knowledge, a lack of trust among local communities
and external scientists, inappropriate governance structures, and a lack of political and technical support. We identify the importance of adaptation science, local social networks,
key actors (i.e., influential and trusted individuals), and relevant forms of knowledge
exchange as being critical to overcoming these barriers. We also identify the importance
of co-ordination with existing on-ground activities to effectively leverage, as opposed to
duplicating, capacity.
Climate Risk Management
Journal article
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Open Access