Dynamical correlations in financial systems




Pozzi, Francesco
Aste, Tomaso
Rotundo, G
Di Matteo, Tiziana

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SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering


One of the main goals in the field of complex systems is the selection and extraction of relevant and meaningful information about the properties of the underlying system from large datasets. In the last years different methods have been proposed for filtering financial data by extracting a structure of interactions from cross-correlation matrices where only few entries are selected by means of criteria borrowed from network theory. We discuss and compare the stability and robustness of two methods: the Minimum Spanning Tree and the Planar Maximally Filtered Graph. We construct such graphs dynamically by considering running windows of the whole dataset. We study their stability and their edges's persistence and we come to the conclusion that the Planar Maximally Filtered Graph offers a richer and more significant structure with respect to the Minimum Spanning Tree, showing also a stronger stability in the long run.



Keywords: Correlation methods; Dynamical systems; Economic analysis; Feature extraction; Graph theory; Large scale systems; Econophysics; Financial data correlations; Minimum spanning tree; Planar maximally filtered graph; Financial data processing Complex systems; Econophysics; Financial data correlations; Minimum spanning tree; Networks; Planar maximally filtered graph



Complex Systems II (Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 6802 )


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