Thermochronology of the modern Indus River bedload: New insight into the controls on the marine stratigraphic record

dc.contributor.authorClift, Peter D.
dc.contributor.authorCampbell, Ian
dc.contributor.authorPringle, Malcolm
dc.contributor.authorCarter, Andrew
dc.contributor.authorZhang, Xifan
dc.contributor.authorHodges, Kip V
dc.contributor.authorKhan, Ali Athar
dc.contributor.authorAllen, Charlotte M
dc.description.abstractThe Indus River is the only major drainage in the western Himalaya and delivers a long geological record of continental erosion to the Arabian Sea, which may be deciphered and used to reconstruct orogenic growth if the modern bedload can be related to the mountains. In this study we collected thermochronologic data from river sediment collected near the modern delta. U-Pb ages of zircons spanning 3 Gyr show that only ∼5% of the eroding crust has been generated since India-Asia collision. The Greater Himalaya are the major source of zircons, with additional contributions from the Karakoram and Lesser Himalaya. The 39Ar/40Ar dating of muscovites gives ages that cluster between 10 and 25 Ma, differing from those recorded in the Bengal Fan. Biotite ages are generally younger, ranging 0-15 Ma. Modern average exhumation rates are estimated at ∼0.6 km/m.y. or less, and have slowed progressively since the early Miocene (∼20 Ma), although fission track (FT) dating of apatites may indicate a recent moderate acceleration in rates since the Pliocene (∼1.0 km/m.y.) driven by climate change. The 39Ar/40Ar and FT techniques emphasize the dominance of high topography in controlling the erosional flux to the ocean. Localized regions of tectonically driven, very rapid exhumation (e.g., Nanga Parbat, S. Karakoram metamorphic domes) do not dominate the erosional record.
dc.publisherAmerican Geophysical Union
dc.subjectKeywords: bedload; erosion; orogenic belt; river channel; thermochronology; Asia; Eastern Hemisphere; Eurasia; Indus River; World Erosion; Exhumation; Fission track; Himalaya; Indus River; Thermochronology
dc.titleThermochronology of the modern Indus River bedload: New insight into the controls on the marine stratigraphic record
dc.typeJournal article
local.contributor.affiliationClift, Peter D., University of Aberdeen
local.contributor.affiliationCampbell, Ian, College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, ANU
local.contributor.affiliationPringle, Malcolm, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
local.contributor.affiliationCarter, Andrew, University and Birkbeck College London
local.contributor.affiliationZhang, Xifan, University of Wisconsin
local.contributor.affiliationHodges, Kip V, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
local.contributor.affiliationKhan, Ali Athar, University of Karachi
local.contributor.affiliationAllen, Charlotte M, College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, ANU
local.contributor.authoruidCampbell, Ian, u8300206
local.contributor.authoruidAllen, Charlotte M, u9108301
local.description.notesImported from ARIES
local.identifier.absfor040303 - Geochronology
local.identifier.absfor040313 - Tectonics
local.type.statusPublished Version
