Kungkarangkalpa Inma Alatjila Kuwari Palyani: Dancing the Seven Sisters Songline Today!

dc.contributor.authorJames, Diana
dc.contributor.authorWilliamson, Inawinytji
dc.description.abstractThe focus of this article is the cross-cultural translation space of bicultural bilingual performance of Inma, traditional Pitjantjatjara song and dance. The article structure reflects the two languages and cultural concepts of storytelling, song and dance in which the Kungkarangkalpa Inma—Seven Sisters performance was presented at the Centenary of Canberra Indigenous Festival in 2013. This method of bilingual bicultural translation of words, song, dance and choreography was intrinsic to the many acts of translation involved in communicating the power, passion and meaning of a traditional Indigenous Inma performance to a western city audience. Inma song and dance conveys the connectivity of people to their Tjukurpa, the Law and Dreaming of their country. The performance space of translation is one in which people choose to share their culture by performing it in language, written or spoken, song, dance or mime, and translation occurs through intermediaries with some knowledge of both cultures who translate each to the other. The authors acknowledge that the acts of translation involved in translocating the desert Inma to the Canberra stage and the presentation of this in the secondary formats of a dialogue at an academic conference and now in a written article are all abstractions from the real performance of meaning in country of the Tjukurpa. Translation is but a reflection of meaning, a narrowing of the breadth of cultural referends of language, time and place. In this case, through several portals: a condensed city performance, a film of this performance, an oral bilingual conference dialogue and now a written account. This article references these portals and incorporates direct and indirect bilingual speech and reflection in an attempt to convey the importance of Inma song and dance in the cross-cultural communication of Indigenous knowledge of country.en_AU
dc.description.sponsorshipOur thanks to all of the Anangu dancers and singers who participated in the Kungkarangkalpa Inma Performance at the Centenary of Canberra in 2013, the Artistic Director Wesley Enoch, the Songlines Partners the NMA, ANU, Ngaanyatjarra Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Women’s Council (NPYWC) and Ananguku Arts, and Robyn Archer, Festival Director of C100, who decided to commission this performance for Canberra.en_AU
dc.publisherMusicological Society of Australia, Incen_AU
dc.rights© 2021 Musicological Society of Australiaen_AU
dc.sourceMusicology Australiaen_AU
dc.titleKungkarangkalpa Inma Alatjila Kuwari Palyani: Dancing the Seven Sisters Songline Today!en_AU
dc.typeJournal articleen_AU
local.contributor.affiliationJames, Diana, College of Arts and Social Sciences, ANUen_AU
local.contributor.affiliationWilliamson, Inawinytji, CASM, National Centre for Aboriginal Language and Music Studies Elder Conservatorium of Music, University of Adelaideen_AU
local.contributor.authoruidJames, Diana, u3934231en_AU
local.description.notesImported from ARIESen_AU
local.identifier.absfor360306 - Musicology and ethnomusicologyen_AU
local.identifier.absfor360403 - Drama, theatre and performance studiesen_AU
local.identifier.absseo210407 - Conserving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander heritage and cultureen_AU
local.identifier.absseo130104 - The performing artsen_AU
local.type.statusPublished Versionen_AU


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