Some observations on the biogeochemical cycling of zinc in the Australian sector of the Southern Ocean: a dedication to Keith Hunter




Ellwood, Michael
Strzepek, Robert
Chen, Xiaoyu
Trull, Thomas W
Boyd, Phillip

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CSLI Publications


In this study we investigated the distribution of dissolved and particulate zinc (dZn and pZn respectively) and its isotopes in the Subantarctic Zone as part of a Geotraces Process voyage. dZn and pZn depth profiles contrasted each other, with dZn showing depletion within the euphotic zone while pZn profiles showed enrichment. Fitting a power law equation to the pZn profiles produced an attenuation factor of 0.82, which contrasted values for particulate phosphorus, cadmium and copper. The results indicate that zinc has a longer regeneration length scale than phosphorus and cadmium, but shorter than copper. The differential regeneration of pZn relative to that of particulate phosphorus likely explains why dZn appears to have a deeper regeneration profile than that of phosphate. The dZn isotope (δ66Zndissolved) profiles collected across the Subantarctic Zone showed differing profile structures. For one station collected within an isolated cold-core eddy (CCE), δ66Zndissolved showed surface enrichment relative to deep waters. The corresponding pZn isotope profiles within the CCE did not show enrichment; rather, they were subtly depleted in surface waters and then converged to similar values at depth. Zinc isotope fractionation can be explained through a combination of fractionation processes associated with uptake by phytoplankton, zinc complexation by natural organic ligands and zinc regeneration from particulate matter.





Marine and Freshwater Research


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