Analytical solutions involving shock waves for testing debris avalanche numerical models
Mungkasi, Sudi
Roberts, Stephen
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Birkhauser Verlag
Analytical solutions to debris avalanche problems involving shock waves are derived. The debris avalanche problems are described in two different coordinate systems, namely, the standard Cartesian and topography-linked coordinate systems. The analytical solutions can then be used to test debris avalanche numerical models. In this article, finite volume methods are applied as the numerical models. We compare the performance of the finite volume method with reconstruction of the conserved quantities based on stage, height, and velocity to that of the conserved quantities based on stage, height, and momentum for solving the debris avalanche problems involving shock waves. The numerical solutions agree with the analytical solution. In addition, both reconstructions lead to similar numerical results. This article is an extension of the work of Mangeney et al. (Pure Appl Geophys 157(6-8):1081-1096, 2000).
Keywords: Cartesians; Co-ordinate system; Conserved quantity; Dam-breaks; Debris avalanches; Method of characteristics; Numerical results; Numerical solution; Finite volume method; Numerical models; Shock waves; Landslides; analytical method; dam failure; debris av Dam break; debris avalanche; finite volume method; method of characteristics; shock waves; sloping topography
Pure and Applied Geophysics
Journal article
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Open Access