Exploring failure modes of alumina scales on FeCrAl and FeNiCrAl alloys in a nitriding environment




Mortazavi, A.N.
Esmaily, M
Geers, C
Birbilis, Nick
Svensson, Jan-Erik
Halvarsson, M
Chandrasekaran, D
Johansson, L.G.

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Pergamon Press


Two high-temperature FeCrAl and FeNiCrAl alloys were exposed in a strongly nitriding environment at 900C and the morphology of nitridation was studied. Quasi-in-situ experiments revealed that nitridation started at specific surface sites directly related to the alloy microstructure where the alumina scale was permeable to nitrogen. FeCrAl alloy grains with (112) orientation formed outward-growing alumina scales and were susceptible to nitridation. Outward-growing scales and substrate nitridation was also observed at chromium carbide precipitates in the FeNiCrAl alloy. Both alloys suffered nitridation at reactive element-rich (Y and Zr) inclusions larger than a certain critical size. The latter type of attack is caused by cracks and pores in the scale. The findings open new avenues of research for developing the next generation of high temperature alloys with superior properties



High temperature oxidation, NitridationAlumina scale failure, Crystallographic orientation, Reactive elements



Acta Materialia


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