Mice expressing T4826I-RYR1 are viable but exhibit sex- and genotype-dependent susceptibility to malignant hyperthermia and muscle damage

dc.contributor.authorYuen, Benjamin
dc.contributor.authorBoncompagni, Simona
dc.contributor.authorFeng, Wei
dc.contributor.authorYang, Tianzhong
dc.contributor.authorLopez, Jose R
dc.contributor.authorMatthaei, Klaus
dc.contributor.authorGoth, Samuel
dc.contributor.authorProtasi, Feliciano
dc.contributor.authorFranzini-Armstrong, Clara
dc.contributor.authorAllen, Paul D
dc.contributor.authorPessah, Issac N
dc.description.abstractMutation T4825I in the type 1 ryanodine receptor (RYR1T4825I/+) confers human malignant hyperthermia susceptibility (MHS). We report a knock-in mouse line that expresses the isogenetic mutation T4826I. Heterozygous RYR1T4826I/+ (Het) or homozygous RYR1T4826I/T4826I (Hom) mice are fully viable under typical rearing conditions but exhibit genotypeand sex-dependent susceptibility to environmental conditions that trigger MH. Hom mice maintain higher core temperatures than WT in the home cage, have chronically elevated myoplasmic[Ca2+]rest, and present muscle damage in soleus with a strong sex bias. Mice subjected to heat stress in an enclosed 37°C chamber fail to trigger MH regardless of genotype, whereas heat stress at 41°C invariably triggers fulminant MH in Hom, but not Het, mice within 20 min. WT and Het female mice fail to maintain euthermic body temperature when placed atop a bed whose surface is 37°C during halothane anesthesia (1.75%) and have no hyperthermic response, whereas 100% Hom mice of either sex and 17% of the Het males develop fulminant MH. WT mice placed on a 41°C bed maintain body temperature while being administered halothane, and 40% of the Het females and 100% of the Het males develop fulminant MH within 40 min. Myopathic alterations in soleus were apparent by 12 mo, including abnormally distributed and enlarged mitochondria, deeply infolded sarcolemma, and frequent Z-line streaming regions, which were more severe in males. These data demonstrate that an MHS mutation within the S4-S5 cytoplasmic linker of RYR1 confers genotype- and sex-dependent susceptibility to pharmacological and environmental stressors that trigger fulminant MH and promote myopathy.
dc.publisherFederation of American Societies for Experimental Biology
dc.sourceFASEB Journal
dc.subjectKeywords: calcium ion; halothane; isoleucine; ryanodine receptor 1; tyrosine; amino acid substitution; anesthesia induction; animal cell; animal experiment; animal tissue; article; body temperature; cage; controlled study; core temperature; cytoplasm; disease sever Anesthesia; Ca 2+ regulation; Heat stress; Ryanodine receptor mutation
dc.titleMice expressing T4826I-RYR1 are viable but exhibit sex- and genotype-dependent susceptibility to malignant hyperthermia and muscle damage
dc.typeJournal article
local.contributor.affiliationYuen, Benjamin, University of California
local.contributor.affiliationBoncompagni, Simona, University of California
local.contributor.affiliationFeng, Wei, Univerisity of California
local.contributor.affiliationYang, Tianzhong, Department of Anesthesia
local.contributor.affiliationLopez, Jose R, University of California / Brigham Women's Hospital
local.contributor.affiliationMatthaei, Klaus, College of Medicine, Biology and Environment, ANU
local.contributor.affiliationGoth, Samuel, University of California
local.contributor.affiliationProtasi, Feliciano, University Gabriele d'Annunzio of Chieti-Pescara
local.contributor.affiliationFranzini-Armstrong, Clara, University of Pennsylvania
local.contributor.affiliationAllen, Paul D, Brigham and Women's Hospital
local.contributor.affiliationPessah, Issac N, University of California
local.contributor.authoruidMatthaei, Klaus, u8200697
local.description.notesImported from ARIES
local.identifier.absfor060110 - Receptors and Membrane Biology
local.identifier.absseo970111 - Expanding Knowledge in the Medical and Health Sciences
local.type.statusPublished Version


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