High-Velocity Features: A Ubiquitous Property of Type Ia Supernovae

dc.contributor.authorMazzali, Paolo A
dc.contributor.authorBenetti, Stefano
dc.contributor.authorAltavilla, G
dc.contributor.authorBlanc, G
dc.contributor.authorCappellaro, Enrico
dc.contributor.authorElias-Rosa (Elias de la Rosa), Nancy
dc.contributor.authorGaravini, Gabriele
dc.contributor.authorGoobar, Ariel
dc.contributor.authorHartunian, A
dc.contributor.authorKotak, R
dc.contributor.authorLeibundgut, Bruno
dc.contributor.authorLundqvist, Peter
dc.contributor.authorMattila, S
dc.contributor.authorMendez, J
dc.contributor.authorNobili, Serena
dc.contributor.authorPain, Reynald
dc.contributor.authorPastorello, A
dc.contributor.authorPatat, Ferdinando
dc.contributor.authorPignata, Giuliano
dc.contributor.authorPodsiadlowski, Ph.
dc.contributor.authorRuiz-Lapuente, P
dc.contributor.authorSalvo, Maria
dc.contributor.authorSollerman, Jesper
dc.contributor.authorStanishev, Vallery
dc.contributor.authorStehle, M
dc.contributor.authorTout, Christopher A
dc.contributor.authorTuratto, Massimo
dc.contributor.authorHillebrandt, Wolfgang
dc.description.abstractEvidence of high-velocity features (HVFs) such as those seen in the near-maximum spectra of some Type la supernovae (SNe Ia; e.g., SN 2000cx) has been searched for in the available SN Ia spectra observed earlier than 1 week before B maximum. Recent observational efforts have doubled the number of SNe Ia with very early spectra. Remarkably, all SNe Ia with early data (seven in our Research Training Network sample and 10 from other programs) show signs of such features, to a greater or lesser degree, in Ca II IR and some also in the Si II λ6355 line. HVFs may be interpreted as abundance or density enhancements. Abundance enhancements would imply an outer region dominated by Si and Ca. Density enhancements may result from the sweeping up of circumstellar material (CSM) by the highest velocity SN ejecta. In this scenario, the high incidence of HVFs suggests that a thick disk and/or a high-density companion wind surrounds the exploding white dwarf, as may be the case in single degenerate systems. Large-scale angular fluctuations in the radial density and abundance distribution may also be responsible: this could originate in the explosion and would suggest a deflagration as the more likely explosion mechanism. CSM interaction and surface fluctuations may coexist, possibly leaving different signatures on the spectrum. In some SNe, the HVFs are narrowly confined in velocity, suggesting the ejection of blobs of burned material.
dc.publisherIOP Publishing
dc.sourceAstrophysical Journal, The
dc.subjectKeywords: Supernovae: general
dc.titleHigh-Velocity Features: A Ubiquitous Property of Type Ia Supernovae
dc.typeJournal article
local.contributor.affiliationMazzali, Paolo A, INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste
local.contributor.affiliationBenetti, Stefano, INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova
local.contributor.affiliationAltavilla, G, Universidad de Barcelona
local.contributor.affiliationBlanc, G, INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova
local.contributor.affiliationCappellaro, Enrico, INAF Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova,
local.contributor.affiliationElias-Rosa (Elias de la Rosa), Nancy, INAF-Osservatorio Astro di Padova (& Univ de La Laguna & Max Planck))
local.contributor.affiliationGaravini, Gabriele, Stockholm University
local.contributor.affiliationGoobar, Ariel, Stockholm University
local.contributor.affiliationHartunian, A, California Institute of Technology
local.contributor.affiliationKotak, R, Imperial College of Science Technology and Medicine
local.contributor.affiliationLeibundgut, Bruno, European Southern Observatory
local.contributor.affiliationLundqvist, Peter, Stockholm Observatory
local.contributor.affiliationMattila, S, Stockholm Observatory
local.contributor.affiliationMendez, J, Universidad de Barcelona
local.contributor.affiliationNobili, Serena, Stockholm University
local.contributor.affiliationPain, Reynald, Universite Paris
local.contributor.affiliationPastorello, A, INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Arcetri
local.contributor.affiliationPatat, Ferdinando, European Southern Observatory
local.contributor.affiliationPignata, Giuliano, European Southern Observatory
local.contributor.affiliationPodsiadlowski, Ph., Oxford University
local.contributor.affiliationRuiz-Lapuente, P, Universidad de Barcelona
local.contributor.affiliationSalvo, Maria, College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, ANU
local.contributor.affiliationSchmidt, Brian, College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, ANU
local.contributor.affiliationSollerman, Jesper, Stockholm Observatory
local.contributor.affiliationStanishev, Vallery, Stockholm University
local.contributor.affiliationStehle, M, Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics
local.contributor.affiliationTout, Christopher A, University of Cambridge
local.contributor.affiliationTuratto, Massimo, INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova
local.contributor.affiliationHillebrandt, Wolfgang, Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics
local.contributor.authoruidSalvo, Maria, u3925878
local.contributor.authoruidSchmidt, Brian, u9500253
local.description.notesImported from ARIES
local.identifier.absfor020110 - Stellar Astronomy and Planetary Systems
local.type.statusPublished Version


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