Building community confidence in community corrections




Bartels, Lorana
Weatherburn, Don

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University of Sydney


It is inevitable that some people granted conditional release will (re)offend, but most will complete their order without incident. Nevertheless, the standard approach adopted by correctional agencies to communicating with the public about community corrections is one of minimal information. We suggest that this may create an impression that offenders are dark shadowy figures incapable of change or redemption. To address this, we set out an agenda for Australian governments to build public confidence in community corrections. We call for more robust program evaluation, publication of the results and regular updates on trends in successful order completion. We also highlight the importance of educating the public about crime and corrections and the need to improve the credibility of community corrections. Finally, governments should do more to humanise offenders. The public has a right to know more about how offenders are managed in the community. They also deserve to hear the stories behind the statistics.



Australia, community corrections, corrections agencies, public confidence, public opinion


Lorana Bartels & Don Weatherburn (2020) Building community confidence in community corrections, Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 32:3, 292-308, DOI: 10.1080/10345329.2020.1801150


Current Issues in Criminal Justice


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