Pragmatic randomized controlled trial of providing access to a brief personalized alcohol feedback intervention in university students




Cunningham, John A.
Hendershot, Christian S.
Murphy, Michelle
Neighbors, Clayton

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BioMed Central


BACKGROUND There is a growing body of evidence indicating that web-based personalized feedback interventions can reduce the amount of alcohol consumed in problem drinking college students. This study sought to evaluate whether providing voluntary access to such an intervention would have an impact on drinking. METHODS College students responded to an email inviting them to participate in a short drinking survey. Those meeting criteria for risky drinking (and agreeing to participate in a follow-up) were randomized to an intervention condition where they were offered to participate in a web-based personalized feedback intervention or to a control condition (intervention not offered). Participants were followed-up at six weeks. RESULTS A total of 425 participants were randomized to condition and 68% (n = 290) completed the six-week follow-up. No significant difference in drinking between conditions was observed. CONCLUSIONS Web-based personalized feedback interventions that are offered to students on a voluntary basis may not have a measurable impact on problem drinking. TRIAL REGISTRATION NCT01521078.



adult, alcohol drinking, alcohol-related disorders, computer-assisted instruction, female, health behavior, health education, humans, internet, male, patient compliance, students, therapy, computer-assisted, young adult, feedback, psychological



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