A comparative experimental and theoretical investigation of the electron-impact double ionization of He in the keV regime




Kheifets, Anatoli
Bray, Igor
Lahmam-Bennani, A
Duguet, A
Taouil, I

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Institute of Physics Publishing


We determine, both experimentally and theoretically, the fully resolved fivefold differential cross section (5DCS) of double ionization of helium by 5.6 keV electron impact. Symmetric energy sharing between the two ejected electrons is investigated at the excess energy of 8 and 20 eV with 0.22 and 0.24 au momentum transfer, respectively. Absolute 5DCS are determined by normalizing the experimental data to the well established single-ionization cross sections. The calculation is performed by using the convergent close-coupling method for the interaction between the two slow ejected electrons, together with the first Born approximation for the interaction of the fast incident electron with the atom. Experimental and theoretical 5DCS tend to agree in shape but disagree in magnitude by factors of three and 14 for the 20 and 8 eV excess energies, respectively. The small momentum transfer invites absolute comparison of the present electron-impact double-ionization results with the corresponding double-photoionization experiment and theory. Theoretically, the momentum transfer is sufficiently close to zero to show the scaling between the two scattering processes. This smallness of the momentum transfer also makes the calculated 5DCS nearly invariant with respect to simultaneous inversion of the momenta of the two ejected electrons.



Keywords: Born approximation; Convergent close coupling method; Double ionization; Double photoionization; Electron impact; Fivefold differential cross section; Momentum transfer; Approximation theory; Atomic physics; Calculations; Electron energy levels; Electron



Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics


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