Low-complexity channel estimation for wireless OFDM systems




Athaudage, Chandranath R
Jayalath, Anagiyaddage Dhammik

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Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE Inc)


Wireless communication systems incorporating coherent OFDM requires the estimation and tracking of the time-varying channel response for accurate demodulation of data at the receiver. In pilot-symbol-assisted (PSA) OFDM systems, the minimum mean-square-error (MMSE) estimator is a good channel estimation technique given that channel statistics are known. However, the major drawback of the MMSE estimator is its high computational complexity, which grows with number of pilots. Piecewise-linear interpolation is a low complexity solution to the channel estimation task. In this paper we derive exact expressions for the channel estimation error as a function of pilot spacing, channel statistics and channel noise, when piecewise-linear interpolation is incorporated. We compare the performance of piecewise-linear interpolation against that of a low complexity MMSE technique (piecewise-MMSE interpolation) under both matched and mismatched conditions of channel statistics. Results show that a piecewise-linear interpolator performs better than a mismatched piecewise-MSSE interpolator of same complexity.



Keywords: Channel estimation errors; Channel noise; Channel statistics; Estimation techniques; Low complexity; Minimum mean-square-error; OFDM systems; Piece-wise; Piecewise-linear; Pilot symbol assisted; Time varying channel; Wireless communication system; Wireles



Proceedings of the 14th IEEE Conference on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications


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