The 2dF galaxy Redshift Survey: higher-order glaxy correlation functions




Croton, Darren J
Gaztanaga, Enrique
Baugh, Carlton M
Norberg, Peder
Colless, Matthew
Baldry, Ivan K
Bland-Hawthorn, Joss
Bridges, Terry C
Cannon, Russell
Cole, Shaun

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Blackwell Publishing Ltd


We measure moments of the galaxy count probability distribution function in the Two-degree Field Galaxy Redshift Survey (2dFGRS). The survey is divided into volume-limited subsamples in order to examine the dependence of the higher-order clustering on galaxy luminosity. We demonstrate the hierarchical scaling of the averaged p-point galaxy correlation functions, ξ̄ p, up to p = 6. The hierarchical amplitudes, S p = S 2S p-1, are approximately independent of the cell radius used to smooth the galaxy distribution on small to medium scales. On larger scales we find that the higher-order moments can be strongly affected by the presence of rare, massive superstructures in the galaxy distribution. The skewness S 3 has a weak dependence on luminosity, approximated by a linear dependence on log luminosity. We discuss the implications of our results for simple models of linear and non-linear bias that relate the galaxy distribution to the underlying mass.



Keywords: Cosmology: theory; Galaxies: statistics; Large-scale structure of Universe



Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society


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