Overexpression of a petunia zinc-finger gene alters cytokinin metabolism and plant forms




Nakagawa, Hitoshi
Jiang, Chang-Jie
Sakakibara, Hitoshi
Kojima, Mikiko
Honda, Ichiro
Ajisaka, Hidetoshi
Nishijima, Takaaki
Koshioka, Masaji
Homma, Tamaki
Mander, Lewis

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Blackwell Publishing Ltd


Shoot branching and plant height are among the key factors that define the overall architecture of plants. We found that overexpression of a cDNA for a zinc-finger protein of petunia, designated Lateral shoot-Inducing Factor (LIF), in transgenic petunia plants resulted in a dramatic increase in lateral shoots and reduced plant height. LIF overexpression also caused a decrease in the number of cells in the stem, leaf, and flower, accompanied by enlargement of cells. trans-Zeatin was decreased while N6-(Δ2- isopentenyl)adenine was increased in the leaves of LIF-overexpressed petunia. Most of the riboside, ribotide, and glucoside forms were also increased. Expression analysis using a LIF



Keywords: Cells; Genes; Growth kinetics; Proteins; Tobacco; Zinc; Dicotyledonous plants; Expression analysis; Lateral shoot-inducing factor (LIF); Overexpression; Petunia plants; Plant height; Plants (botany); cytokinin; vegetable protein; zinc finger protein; amin Arabidopsis; Axillary branching; Cytokinin; Petunia; Tobacco; Transcription factor



The Plant Journal


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