Aeolian sediment transport on a beach with a varying sediment supply




de Vries, Sierd
Arens, Sebastiaan
Schipper, Matthieu A. de
Ranasinghe, Roshanka

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Variability in aeolian sediment transport rates have traditionally been explain by variability in wind speed. Although it is recognised in literature that limitations in sediment supply can influence sediment transport significantly, most models that predict aeolian sediment transport attribute a dominant role to the magnitude of the wind speed. In this paper it is proposed that spatio-temporal variability of aeolian sediment transport on beaches can be dominated by variations in sediment supply rather than variations in wind speed.A new dataset containing wind speed, direction and sediment transport is collected during a 3. day field campaign at Vlugtenburg beach, The Netherlands. During the measurement campaign, aeolian sediment transport varied in time with the tide while wind speed remained constant. During low tide, measured transport was significantly larger than during high tide. Measured spatial gradients in sediment transport at the lower and upper beaches during fairly constant wind conditions suggest that aeolian sediment transport on beaches may be partly governed by the spatial variability in sediment supply, with relatively large supply in the intertidal zone when exposed and small supply on the upper beach due to sorting processes. The measurements support earlier findings that the intertidal zone can be significant source of sediment for sediment transport on beaches.Both a traditional cubic model (with respect to the wind speed) and a newly proposed linear model are fitted to the field data. The fit quality of both types of models are found to be similar.





Aeolian Research


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