The Parkes Quarter-Jansky Flat-Spectrum Sample. 1. Sample selection and source identifications




Jackson, Carole
Wall, Jasper V
Shaver, P A
Kellermann, K I
Hook, I M
Hawkins, M

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We present a new sample of quarter-Jansky flat-spectrum radio sources selected to search for high-redshift quasars and to study the evolution of the flat-spectrum quasar population. The sample comprises 878 radio sources selected from the Parkes catalogues with spectral indices α2.7 GHz5 GHz ≥ -0.4 where Sν ∝ να. The sample covers all right ascensions and the declination range from -80 °.0 to +2 °.5, excluding low galactic latitudes (| b | < 10 °) and the Magellanic Cloud regions. We have obtained improved radio source positions, firstly to reconfirm the majority of the existing identifications, and secondly, using digitized sky-survey data and deep B, Gunn-i and Gunn-z CCD-imaging, to find optical identifications for 223 previously-unidentified sources. We present the final catalogue of 878 flat-spectrum sources: 827 are compact radio sources identified with galaxies, quasars and BL Lac objects, 38 have either extended radio structure or are identified with Galactic objects (PN, HII or non-compact radio source), 4 are obscured by Galactic stars, and 9 (1 per cent of the total sample) remain unidentified.



Keywords: Astrophysics; Radio astronomy; Spectrum analysis; Radio sources; Galaxies BL Lac objects: general; Catalogues; Galaxies: general; Quasars: general; Radio continuum: galaxies



Astronomy and Astrophysics


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