Frequency Stability of Spatial Mode Interference (Tilt) locking




Slagmolen, Bram
Shaddock, Daniel
Gray, Malcolm
McClelland, David

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Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE Inc)


This paper describes the investigation of the frequency stability of tilt locking, a technique which derives an error signal for locking a laser to an optical cavity by use of spatial-mode interference. By independently locking two lasers to the same optical cavity and measuring the beat frequency, a direct measurement of the stability of tilt locking was obtained. The beatnote exhibited a normal Allan deviation of 3.3 Hz over a time interval of 100 ms, yeilding a relative frequency stability of 1.3 × 10-14. This result implies at least a fractional locking stability of 1.3 × 10-14. Moreover, this stability was limited by fluctuations in the cavity spacer length and not the tilt-locking technique.



Keywords: Electric fields; Frequency stability; Integral equations; Laser beams; Light interference; Light polarization; Photodetectors; Quantum efficiency; Signal to noise ratio; Allan variance; Frequency locking; Spatial interference; Spatial mode interference lo Allan variance; Frequency locking; Frequency stability; Laser locking; Spatial interference



IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics


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