Perceived norms among university students about their peers and drug use at a Chilean university [Normas percibidas por los estudiantes universitarios acerca de sus pares y uso de drogas en una universidad en Chile]




Ramirez Castillo, Julia
Cunningham, John
Brands, Bruna
Strike, Carol
Wright, Maria da Gloria Miotto

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Faculdade de Economia, Administracao e Contabilidade de Ribeirao Preto da Universidade de Sao Paulo


This study analyzes the relationship between perceived norms about drug use among peers and actual use among university students. This is a qualitative, multicenter study involving sophomore and junior students of the health courses of a Chilean university. Participants were 286 (75.2%) of the total 380 university students. Results: more than 50% of the students notice that their peers smoke cigarettes on a daily basis, drink alcohol three times a week, and use marijuana once a week and cocaine at least once a year. The university campus it place of highest drug use; cocaine is used at a friend's house. Among students, 68% have smoked once in their life, 57% smoke on a daily basis; 88% have had alcohol once in their life; 26% used marijuana once in their life, 16% used marijuana over the last 12 months. Students do not know about any university policies for drug use. Some results confirm that drug use is underestimated.



Keywords: addiction; adolescent; adult; article; Chile; clinical trial; female; human; male; multicenter study; peer group; questionnaire; student; university; Adolescent; Chile; Female; Humans; Male; Peer Group; Questionnaires; Students; Substance-Related Disorder



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