Dissipative solitons and vortices in polariton Bose-Einstein condensates




Abdullaev, Jasur
Desyatnikov, Anton S
Fraser, Michael
Ostrovskaya, Elena
Kivshar, Yuri

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American Physical Society


We examine spatial localization and dynamical stability of Bose-Einstein condensates of exciton polaritons in microcavities under the condition of off-resonant spatially inhomogeneous optical pumping both with and without a harmonic trapping potential. We employ the open-dissipative Gross-Pitaevskii model for describing an incoherently pumped polariton condensate coupled to an exciton reservoir, and reveal that spatial localization of the steady-state condensate occurs due to the effective self-trapping created by the polariton flows supported by the spatially inhomogeneous pump, regardless of the presence of the external potential. A ground state of the polariton condensate with repulsive interactions between the quasiparticles represents a dynamically stable bright dissipative soliton. We also investigate the conditions for sustaining spatially localized structures with nonzero angular momentum in the form of single-charge vortices.



Keywords: Bose-Einstein condensates; Dissipative solitons; Dynamical stability; Exciton polaritons; External potential; Gross-Pitaevskii model; Harmonic trapping potential; Localized structures; Polaritons; Quasiparticles; Repulsive interactions; Self-trapping; Spa



Physical Review A: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics


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