Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships of Pine Weevil Antifeedants, a Multivariate Approach




Sunnerheim, Kerstin
Nordqvist, Anneli
Nordlander, G.
Borg-Karlson, A.-K.
Unelius, C.R.
Bohman, Bjorn
Nordenhem, H.
Hellqvist, Claes
Karlen, Anders

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American Chemical Society


Antifeedant activity of mainly phenylpropanoic, cinnamic, and benzoic acids esters was tested on the pine weevil, Hylobius abietis (L.). Of 105 compounds screened for activity, 9 phenylpropanoates, 3 cinnamates, and 4 benzoates were found to be highly active antifeedants. To understand the structure-activity relationships of these compounds, a multivariate analysis study was performed. A number of molecular and substituent descriptors were calculated and correlated to results from two-choice feeding tests with H. abietis. Three local models were developed that had good internal predictive ability. External test sets showed moderate predictivity. In general, low polarity, small size, and high lipophilicity were characteristics for compounds having good antifeedant activity.



Keywords: benzoic acid derivative; cinnamic acid derivative; insecticide; propionic acid derivative; animal; article; chemistry; drug effect; eating; physiology; pine; quantitative structure activity relation; weevil; Animals; Benzoic Acids; Cinnamates; Eating; Ins Benzoates; Cinnamates; Conifer seedling; Curculionidae; Feeding deterrent; Hylobius abietis; Large pine weevil; Multivariate analysis; Phenylacrylates; Phenylpropanoates; Phenylpropenoates; PLS; QSAR



Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry


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