A unique web resource for physiology, ecology and the environmental sciences: PrometheusWiki




Sack, Lawren
Cornwell, Will K.
Santiago, Louis S
Barbour, Margaret
Choat, Brendan
Evans, John
Munns, Rana Ellen
Nicotra, Adrienne

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CSIRO Publishing


PROtocols, METHods, Explanations and Updated Standards Wiki (PrometheusWiki, http://www.publish.csiro.au/prometheuswiki/) is a new open access, fully searchable web resource that contains protocols and methods for plant physiology, ecology and environmental sciences. Contributions can be uploaded by anyone in the community, with attributed authorship, and are open for wiki-style comment. This resource allows the gathering in one place of methods, links to published methods and detailed protocols used by leading laboratories around the world, with annotation. As a web resource, PrometheusWiki is continually evolving and updatable, easily and rapidly searchable and highly accessible. It will also enhance communication, allowing multimedia description of protocols and techniques, with spreadsheet tools, slide shows and video files easily integrated into the text. This resource is anticipated to lead to strong benefits in standardising methods, improving access to training for students and professionals, promoting collaborations and expanding the cutting edge of research.



Keywords: Cutting edges; Environmental science; Open Access; Plant physiology; Slide shows; Spreadsheet tools; Standardisation; Video files; Web resources; Webpublishing; Electronic publishing; Environmental engineering; Standardization; World Wide Web; Internet pr methods; protocols; standardisation; web publishing; wiki



Functional Plant Biology


Journal article

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