Projectile deformation effects on single-nucleon removal reactions




Simpson, Edward
Tostevin, Jeffrey Allan

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American Physical Society


We discuss intermediate-energy single-nucleon removal reactions from deformed projectile nuclei. The removed nucleon is assumed to originate from a given Nilsson model single-particle state and the inclusive cross sections, to all rotational states of the residual nucleus, are calculated. We investigate the sensitivity of both the stripping cross sections and their momentum distributions to the assumed size of the model space in the Nilsson model calculations and to the shape of the projectile and residue. We show that the cross sections for small deformations follow the decomposition of the Nilsson state in a spherical basis. In the case of large and prolate projectile deformations the removal cross sections from prolate-like Nilsson states, having large values for the asymptotic quantum number n z, are reduced. For oblate-like Nilsson states, with small n z, the removal cross sections are increased. Whatever the deformation, the residue momentum distributions are found to remain robustly characteristic of the orbital angular momentum decomposition of the initial state of the nucleon in the projectile. � 2012 American Physical Society.





Physical Review C: Nuclear Physics


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