Cyborg Rights




Clarke, Roger

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Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE Inc)


The first generation of cyborgs is alive, well, walking among us, and even running. Pacemakers, renal dialysis machines and clumsy mechanical hands may not match the movie-image of cyborg enhancements, but they have been the leading wave. The legs of sprinter Oscar Pistorius, and implants of both the cochlear and RFID varieties, make more substantial changes to individuals. They also pose greater challenges to society as a whole. Cyborgisation will give rise to demands for new rights. People who have lost capabilities but have not yet got the relevant prostheses will seek the right to have them. Some people will demand the right not just to recover what they are missing, but also to enhance themselves. Others will demand the liberty not to have prostheses imposed on them. Enhanced humans will seek additional rights to go with the additional capabilities that they have. The political processes involved in lobbying for and resisting these desires will take many and varied forms. Professional engineers have an obligation to anticipate these developments, and to brief political, social and economic institutions on their nature, impact and implications. They have to date failed to do so. The rate of change is sufficiently brisk that action is urgent.



Keywords: Dialysis machines; Economic institutions; Mechanical hands; Political process; Professional engineer; Rate of change; Cochlear implants; Dialysis; Prosthetics; Technology



Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE Internationl Symposium on Technology and Society Social Implications of Emerging Technologies


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