An intestinal epithelial defect conferring ER stress results in inflammation involving both innate and adaptive immunity




Eri, RD
Adams, RJ
Tran, TV
Tong, H
Das, I
Roche, DK
Oancea, I
Png, Chin Wen
Jeffery, PL
Radford-Smith, Graham L

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Nature Publishing Group


We recently characterized Winnie mice carrying a missense mutation in Muc2, leading to severe endoplasmic reticulum stress in intestinal goblet cells and spontaneous colitis. In this study, we characterized the immune responses due to this intestinal epithelial dysfunction. In Winnie, there was a fourfold increase in activated dendritic cells (DCs; CD11c+ major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II hi) in the colonic lamina propria accompanied by decreased colonic secretion of an inhibitor of DC activation, thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP). Winnie also displayed a significant increase in mRNA expression of the mucosal TH17 signature genes Il17a, IL17f, Tgfb, and Ccr6, particularly in the distal colon. Winnie mesenteric lymph node leukocytes secreted multiple TH1, TH2, and TH17 cytokines on activation, with a large increase in interleukin-17A (IL-17A) progressively with age. A major source of mucosal IL-17A in Winnie was CD4+ T lymphocytes. Loss of T and B lymphocytes in Rag1-/- × Winnie (RaW) crosses did not prevent spontaneous inflammation but did prevent progression with age in the colon but not the cecum. Adoptive transfer of naive T cells into RaW mice caused more rapid and severe colitis than in Rag1-/-, indicating that the epithelial defect results in an intestinal microenvironment conducive to T-cell activation. Thus, the Winnie primary epithelial defect results in complex multicytokine-mediated colitis involving both innate and adaptive immune components with a prominent IL-23/TH17 response, similar to that of human ulcerative colitis.



Keywords: chemokine receptor CCR6; glycoprotein p 15095; interleukin 12p40; interleukin 12p70; interleukin 17; interleukin 17F; interleukin 3; interleukin 5; interleukin 9; messenger RNA; thymic stromal lymphopoietin; transforming growth factor beta; tumor necrosis



Mucosal Immunology


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