What is it like to be a PhD student? Advice to prospective supervisors




Wyndham, Allison

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I am speaking from my experience as a PhD student in Molecular Genetics at the John Curtin School of Medical Research. However, I think that the experiences I talk about today are relevant to students of all disciplines. I have had the opportunity to speak to many PhD students from the ANU, from other universities, and from a wide range of disciplines about their PhD. One recurrent theme is how surprised their supervisor is with them. Supervisors are apparently unprepared for the way their student behaves and how that student copes with the trials of a PhD project. I recall my own supervisor walking in on myself and the two other female students in the lab while we were in the middle of a major episode of weeping, wailing, tears of frustration, and mutual support (which is a common occurrence in our lab). I could see it on his face: "This never happened to me. This cannot be normal . . . can it?". If there is one thing that will be yes of every student you ever supervise, it is that they will never be just as you were when you were a student. The worst thing you can do is tell tales of "When I was a student we did blah, blah, blah . . .". Firstly, every student is different, so it is probably not relevant, and secondly, it is a guaranteed way to annoy your student.



phd, phd students, supervisors, student experience, research students




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