What have we learnt about the cultural, social and behavioural determinants of health? From Selected Readings to the first Health Transition Workshop




Caldwell, John C

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Health Transition Centre, National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health, The Australian National University


The article explores the issue of whether the holding of an international workshop in Canberra in 1989, and the preparation of papers for it, increased our knowledge of the cultural, social and behavioural determinants of health and whether the publication of the proceedings placed new knowledge in the public domain. The approach adopted is to compare those proceedings with a collection of selected readings on the subject made shortly before as part of the same program and also with certain other publications. The conclusions reached are that, in addition to having stimulated interest in the field, the workshop and its proceedings furthered knowledge in at least five important areas: (1) the existence of mortality-prone households; (2) the impact of differing cultural situations of women in terms of individualism on their children’s survival; (3) the mechanisms whereby maternal education is translated into child survival; (4) the impact of culture and ethnicity on mortality; and (5) indirect indices of the impact of care. The workshop failed to contribute to substantial advances (or draw attention to the lack of advance) in the following areas: (1) the measurement of Third World morbidity or health; (2) adult health transition; (3) the impact of radicalism or egalitarianism in communities other than Kerala and Sri Lanka on mortality; (4) the impact of lifestyle diseases on Third World mortality; (5) the identification of economically optimum mixes of social change and the provision of health services in reducing mortality and improving health; and (6) the employment of health transition knowledge in the reduction of mortality and the improvement of health.



Health Transition Workshop, Canberra, 1989, Conference item, health transition research, health outcomes, social change




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