Frequency Error Correction for OFDM based Multicarrier Systems and Performance Analysis




Sithamparanathan, Kandeepan
Reisenfeld, Sam

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Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE Inc)


The presence of frequency offsets in the received signal for an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) based multicarrier system leads to inter carrier interferences (ICI). The degradation in the performance of an OFDM system is severe when there is frequency error, which is caused by the loss of orthogonality in the received carrier frequencies. Here, we look into the correction of frequency errors in the received OFDM signal, by means of a correlator based maximum likelihood (ML) frequency estimator. We analyse the system performance of the frequency corrected OFDM system and study the statistical nature of the frequency uncertainty in the receiver when the ML frequency estimator is used. The statistical distribution of the estimates made by the receiver is also determined.



Keywords: Frequency offsets; Frequency synchronization; Inter carrier interferences (ICI); Maximum likelihood frequency estimators; Multicarrier systems; Error analysis; Error correction; Frequency estimation; Maximum likelihood estimation; Signal receivers; Orthog Frequency estimation; Frequency estimation for OFDM; Frequency synchronization; Maximum likelihood frequency estimator; OFDM



Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal Processings (ICICS 2005)


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