Vibronic coupling in the superoxide anion: The vibrational dependence of the photoelectron angular distribution




Van Duzor, Matthew
Mbaiwa, Foster
Wei, Jie
Singh, Tulsi
Mabbs, Richard
Sanov, Andrei
Cavanagh, Steven J.
Gibson, Stephen T.
Lewis, Brenton R.
Gascooke, Jason R.

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American Institute of Physics (AIP)


We present a comprehensive photoelectron imaging study of the O₂(X³Σg⁻,v′=0–6)←O₂⁻(X²Πg,v′′=0) and O₂(a¹Δg,v′=0–4)←O₂⁻(X²Πg,v′′=0)photodetachment bands at wavelengths between 900 and 455 nm, examining the effect of vibronic coupling on the photoelectron angular distribution (PAD). This work extends the v′=1–4 data for detachment into the ground electronic state, presented in a recent communication [R. Mabbs, F. Mbaiwa, J. Wei, M. Van Duzor, S. T. Gibson, S. J. Cavanagh, and B. R. Lewis, Phys. Rev. A82, 011401–R (2010)]. Measured vibronic intensities are compared to Franck–Condon predictions and used as supporting evidence of vibronic coupling. The results are analyzed within the context of the one-electron, zero core contribution (ZCC) model [R. M. Stehman and S. B. Woo, Phys. Rev. A23, 2866 (1981)]. For both bands, the photoelectron anisotropy parameter variation with electron kinetic energy,β(E), displays the characteristics of photodetachment from a d-like orbital, consistent with the π∗g 2p highest occupied molecular orbital of O₂⁻. However, differences exist between the β(E) trends for detachment into different vibrational levels of the X³Σg⁻ and a ¹Δg electronic states of O₂. The ZCC model invokes vibrational channel specific “detachment orbitals” and attributes this behavior to coupling of the electronic and nuclear motion in the parent anion. The spatial extent of the model detachment orbital is dependent on the final state of O₂: the higher the neutral vibrational excitation, the larger the electron binding energy. Although vibronic coupling is ignored in most theoretical treatments of PADs in the direct photodetachment of molecular anions, the present findings clearly show that it can be important. These results represent a benchmark data set for a relatively simple system, upon which to base rigorous tests of more sophisticated models.



Keywords: At-wavelength; Benchmark data; Electron binding energy; Electron kinetic energy; Final state; Franck-Condon; Ground electronic state; Highest occupied molecular orbital; Molecular anions; Nuclear motions; Orbitals; Parent anions; Photo-detachment; Photoel



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