Experiences and outcomes of partner notification among men and women recently diagnosed with chlamydia and their views on innovative resources aimed at improving notification rates




Bilardi, Jade E.
Fairley, Christopher K
Hopkins, Carol
Hocking, Jane S
Temple-Smith, Meredith
Bowden, Francis
Russell, Darren
Pitts, Marian
Tomnay, Jane
Parker, Rhian

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Lippincott Williams & Wilkins


Objective: To describe the partner notification experiences of individuals diagnosed with chlamydia and to determine what supports might best assist them. Goal: To determine what supports might best assist chlamydia infected individuals to notify their partners. Study Design: A telephone survey was undertaken with men and women recently diagnosed with chlamydia across 3 Australian jurisdictions between August 2007 and January 2008. Results: Of the 286 individuals who agreed to be contacted about the study, 202 (71%) completed the survey. Twenty-three percent (333/1458) of recent partners were notified: men who had sex with men (MSM) notified 15% (133/880) of their partners, heterosexual men 31% (114/370), and women 46% (86/188) of their partners (P < 0.001). Overall, 84% (169/202) of individuals notified at least one partner. The main reasons for informing partners were out of concern for them (44%) or because it was considered "the right thing to do" (37%). The preferred methods for contacting partners were telephone (52%) and face-to-face (30%). Email (8%) and short message service (SMS) (11%) were less commonly used; however, if offered a website with anonymous email and SMS services, nearly half of individuals indicated they would find this useful. Of those who had not informed all partners with known contact details (n = 94), 34% reported that if web-based tools were available they would have contacted more partners. Over half of participants would like to have been given antibiotics to give to their partner. Conclusion: The availability of tailored resources may assist in improving partner notification for chlamydia.



Keywords: antibiotic agent; adolescent; adult; antibiotic therapy; article; Australia; chlamydiasis; female; heterosexual female; heterosexual male; human; infection control; interview; major clinical study; male; male homosexual; sexual behavior



Sexually Transmitted Diseases


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