Smooth Model Surfaces from Lignin Derivatives. II. Adsorption of Polyelectrolytes and PECs Monitored by QCM-D




Norgren, Magnus
Gardlund, Linda
Notley, Shannon
Htun, Myat
Wagberg, Lars

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American Chemical Society


For the first time to the knowledge of the authors, well-defined and stable lignin model surfaces have been utilized as substrates in polyelectrolyte adsorption studies. The adsorption of polyallylamine (PAH), poly(acrylic acid) (PAA), and polyelectrolyte complexes (PECs) was monitored using quartz crystal microgravimetry with dissipation (QCMD), The PECs were prepared by mixing PAH and PAA at different ratios and sequences, creating both cationic and anionic PECs with different charge levels. The adsorption experiments were performed in 1 and 10 mM sodium chloride solutions at pH 5 and 7.5. The highest adsorption of PAH and cationic PECs was found at pH 7.5, where the slightly negatively charged nature of the lignin substrate is more pronounced, governing electrostatic attraction of oppositely charged polymeric substances. An increase in the adsorption was further found when the electrolyte concentration was increased. In comparison, both PAA and the anionic PEC showed remarkably high adsorption to the lignin model film. The adsorption of PAA was further studied on silica and was found to be relatively low even at high electrolyte concentrations. This indicated that the high PAA adsorption on the lignin films was not induced by a decreased solubility of the anionic polyelectrolyte. The high levels of adsorption on lignin model surfaces found both for PAA and the anionic PAA-PAH polyelectrolyte complex points to the presence of strong nonionic interactions in these systems.



Keywords: Derivatives; Microgravity; pH effects; Polyelectrolytes; Quartz; Lignin films; Nonionic interactions; Polyallylamines; Polyelectrolyte complexes (PEC); Quartz crystal microgravimetry with dissipation (QCMD); Lignin; Lignins; Ph; Polyelectrolytes; Quartz





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