A search for new members of the βPictoris, Tucana-Horologium and ɛCha moving groups in the RAVE data base




Kiss, L L
Moor, A
Szalai, T
Kovacs, J
Bayliss, Daniel
Gilmore, Gerard
Bienayme, O
Binney, J
Bland-Hawthorn, Joss
Campbell, R

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Blackwell Publishing Ltd


We report on the discovery of new members of nearby young moving groups, exploiting the full power of combining the Radial Velocity Experiment (RAVE) survey with several stellar age diagnostic methods and follow-up high-resolution optical spectroscopy. The results include the identification of one new and five likely members of the βPictoris moving group, ranging from spectral types F9 to M4 with the majority being M dwarfs, one K7 likely member of the εCha group and two stars in the Tucana-Horologium association. Based on the positive identifications, we foreshadow a great potential of the RAVE data base in progressing towards a full census of young moving groups in the solar neighbourhood.



Keywords: Open clusters and associations: individual: ß Pictoris moving group; Open clusters and associations: individual: eCha association; Open clusters and associations: individual: Tucana-Horologium association; Stars: kinematics and dynamics



Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society


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