Two campaigns to compare three turbulence profiling techniques at Las Campanas Observatory




Thomas-Osip, Joanna
Bustos, Edison
Goodwin, Michael
Jenkins, Charles
Lambert, Andrew John
Prieto, Gabriel
Tokovinin, Andrei

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SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering


In preparation to characterize the Giant Magellan Telescope site and guide the development of its adaptive optics system, two campaigns to systematically compare the turbulence profiles obtained independently with three different instruments were conducted at Las Campanas Observatory in September, 2007 and January 2008. Slope detection and ranging (SLODAR) was used on the 2.5-m duPont telescope. SLODAR measures the C2n profile as a function of altitude through observations of double stars. The separation of the observed double star sets the maximum altitude and height resolution. Ground layer (altitudes < 1 km) and free atmosphere turbulence profiles are compared with those obtained with a lunar scintillometer (LuSci) and a multi-aperture scintillation sensor (MASS), respectively. In addition, the total atmospheric seeing was measured by both SLODAR and a differential image motion monitor (DIMM).



Keywords: Adaptive optics systems; Atmosphere turbulence; Atmospheric seeing; Differential image motion monitors; Giant magellan telescopes; Ground layer; Lunar scintillation; Multi-aperture scintillation sensors; Seeing; Slope detection and ranging; turbulence pro Lunar scintillation; Scintillation; Seeing; Slope detection and ranging; turbulence profile



International Society for Optical Engineering Proceedings Series


Journal article

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