Devonian fish remains, biostratigraphy and unconformities, Narromine 1:250 000 map sheet area, central New South Wales (Lachlan Fold Belt)




Young, Gavin

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Blackwell Publishing Ltd


A fossil fish assemblage associated with marine invertebrates from the Coonardoo Sandstone (Wallingalair Group) at Boor Hill (eastern limb of Tullamore Syncline) contains phyllolepid and bothriolepid placoderms of probable Late Devonian age. An angular unconformity with the overlying Hervey Group indicates erosion and folding during the Middle-Late Devonian, and evidently younger than the main Tabberabberan orogenic event. Invertebrate remains demonstrate a Late Devonian marine interval, not previously recognised as far west as the Tullamore Syncline, and assumed to represent the global maximum sea-level in the late Frasnian immediately preceding the Frasnian-Famennian extinction event. A phyllolepid placoderm plate from a sedimentary interbed of the Dulladerry Volcanics in the Hervey Syncline compares with abundant phyllolepid material from the Merriganowry Shale Member of the Dulladerry Volcanics near Cowra, and similar occurrences in the Comerong Volcanics and Boyd Volcanic Complex in southeastern New South Wales. Biostratigraphic data suggest a late Middle Devonian (Givetian) age for the Merriganowry Shale Member of the Dulladerry Volcanics, which appears conformable beneath the Upper Devonian Hervey Group.



Keywords: biostratigraphy; Devonian; fish; fossil assemblage; sea level; unconformity; Australasia; Australia; New South Wales; Invertebrata Devonian; Fish; Hervey Group; Lachlan Fold Belt; Marine transgressions; Unconformities



Australian Journal of Earth Sciences


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