The association of falling insulin requirements with maternal biomarkers and placental dysfunction: A prospective study of women with preexisting diabetes in pregnancy




Padmanabhan, Suja
Lee, Vincent W. S
Mclean, Marc
Athayde, Neil
Lanzarone, V
Khoshnow, Qemer
Peek, Michael
Cheung, N Wah

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American Diabetes Association


OBJECTIVE To investigate the association of falling insulin requirements (FIR) among women with preexisting diabetes with adverse obstetric outcomes and maternal biomarkers longitudinally in pregnancy. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS A multicenter prospective cohort study of 158 women (41 with type 1 diabetes and 117 with type 2 diabetes) was conducted. Women with FIR of ≥15% from the peak total daily dose after 20 weeks' gestation were considered case subjects (n = 32). The primary outcome was a composite of clinical markers of placental dysfunction (preeclampsia, small for gestational age [≤5th centile], stillbirth, premature delivery [<30 weeks], and placental abruption). Maternal circulating angiogenic markers (placental growth factor [PlGF] and soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase 1 [sFlt-1]), placental hormones (human placental lactogen, progesterone, and tumor necrosis factor-α), HbA1c, and creatinine were studied serially during pregnancy. RESULTS FIR ≥15% were associated with an increased risk of the composite primary outcome (odds ratio [OR] 4.38 [95% CI 1.9–10.3]; P < 0.001), preeclampsia (OR 6.76 [95% CI 2.7–16.7]; P < 0.001), and was more common among women with type 1 diabetes (36.6 vs. 14.5%; P = 0.002). Creatinine was modestly elevated among women with FIR ≥15%; however, there was no difference in HbA1c. The ratio of sFlt-1 to PlGF was significantly higher among women with FIR at 25, 30, and 36 weeks, with differences maintained in the subgroup that developed preeclampsia. There was no difference in placental hormones between the groups. CONCLUSIONS This is the first prospective study to associate FIR with altered expression of placental antiangiogenic factors and preeclampsia. FIR are an important clinical sign, among women with preexisting diabetes, that should alert the clinician to investigate underlying placental dysfunction.





Diabetes Care


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