Management or missed opportunity? Mental health care planning in Australian general practice




Banfield, Michelle
Farrer, Louise
Harrison, Christopher

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CSIRO Publishing


General practice care plans are designed to improve the management of chronic illness, facilitating multidisciplinary care and enabling GPs and consumers to work collaboratively. Evidence suggests that they work well for chronic physicalillnesses, butitis unclear ifthey operate asintended for people with mental disorders. The aims ofthis study were to: (1) compare rates of creation and review of GP care plans for mental disorders and type II diabetes; and (2) examine consumer experiences. Secondary analysis of 109 589 recorded encounters from a national cross-sectional study in Australian general practice (2006-16) demonstrated that encounters involving creation of a care plan for depression or anxiety were significantly higher than those for diabetes, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. Rates of review were commensurate with creation of plans for diabetes, but not for mental disorders. Eighteen people with a GP care plan completed an online survey abouttheir experiences, reporting that care plans facilitated accessto allied health professionals, but did not improve the quality of care they received. Findings suggest that care plans are underutilised for people with low prevalence mental disorders, and while they offer financial benefits to consumers, they may not result in ongoing, collaborative care.



anxiety, bipolar disorder, depression, management plan, primary care, schizophrenia



Australian Journal of Primary Health


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