Action towards universal health coverage and social protection for tuberculosis care and prevention: Workshop on the end tb strategy pillar 2 in the western pacific region 2017




Oh, Kyung Hyun
Rahevar, Kalpeshsinh
Nishikiori, Nobuyuki
Viney, Kerri
Choi, Hongjo
Biermann, Olivia
Kim, Hee Jin
Nou, Chanly
Kim, Samoeun
Zhu, Ge

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MDPI Publishing


Although the End TB Strategy highlights that major global progress towards universal health coverage (UHC) and social protection are fundamental to achieving the global targets for reductions in tuberculosis (TB) incidence and deaths, there is still a long way to go to achieve them in low- and middle-income countries. A workshop on the End TB Strategy Pillar 2 in the Western Pacific Region focusing on action towards UHC and social protection was held between 27 and 29 November in 2017 at the Korean Institute of Tuberculosis in Cheonju, Republic of Korea. The workshop brought together key personnel from national TB programmes and other stakeholders or researchers with experience in this topic from six countries with a high burden of TB in the region. During the workshop, participants shared country experiences, best practices, and challenges in achieving UHC and enhancing social protection in the context of TB service delivery, and also explored policy options to address the challenges, to be applied in their respective countries. This report describes the content of the meeting and the conclusions and recommendations arising from the meeting





Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease


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